STUDENTS from East Durham and Houghall Community College's International Boxing Academy have been roped into a demonstration which leaves no doubt that skipping is anything but sissy.

The talented young fighters have agreed to illustrate the benefits of exercise to more than 200 school children at Howletch Primary School, Peterlee, from 9.30am on Wednesday.

The initiative is backed by the British Heart Foundation and Howletch headteacher Robert Hannay has defended his decision to bring the young boxers into his school.

"These lads are trained athletes and have achieved international success, and the message we are giving to the children is simply that exercise is good for you."

The college-based academy was launched by Sports Minister Kate Hoey last year amid considerable debate but its principal, Ian Prescott, has continued to back the decision to promote the sport.

"The fact that these boxers are going into schools shows that the true perception of the sport is one of discipline and health as opposed to violence,'' he said.

The skipping demonstration is performed to music and involves synchronised techniques. The initiative is expected to lead to a schools skipping competition.