PROSTITUTES may soon be banned from entering a town centre.

Vice girls could be made subject to anti-social behaviour orders which would stop them setting foot in the centre of Middlesbrough, which they have turned into a red light district.

The initiative was welcomed last night by residents sickened by the vice girls' activities, and fed up of being propositioned by prostitutes and kerb crawlers.

Two years ago, pensioner Henry Robinson presented Middlesbrough Borough Council's leader with a 1,000-name petition calling for action to rid the town centre of prostitution.

He said: "This is excellent news and will definitely make a difference. If they are going to have a restrictive order put on them, they will think twice before doing it again."

Earlier this year, a convicted kerb crawler was barred from an area of Middlesbrough. Now, the prostitutes themselves could be banished.

Local people are being urged to "show determination and courage" in coming forward and presenting information to the authorities.

Borough Councillor Ken Walker, who is also chairman of Cleveland Police Authority, said: "Throughout the Cleveland force area we are determined to work with communities in turning back the tide and improving the quality of life for decent law-abiding people - but we cannot do it without their help."

He said that evidence passed to the police would help applications for anti-social orders.

Coun Walker said: "I also hope that the courts will respond positively when people do show determination and courage by coming forward. We need the support of magistrates and judges to make the anti-social behaviour order system really effective."

Inspector Christine Garner, head of Middlesbrough Police's vice unit, said: "We do need assistance from residents so that we can let magistrates know just how bad it is for them living in an area with prostitutes working, and all the problems they have with men coming into the area looking for business.

"This will highlight to magistrates just what types of anti-social behaviour the prostitutes and men are causing people.''