THE evidence now seems compelling that the current outbreak of swine fever was caused by a single incident of a rambler feeding a pig with some leftover food containing an imported, infected pork product.

In fact, I hear that the individual animal concerned has been tracked down.

Clearly, this demonstrates that it is an absolute waste of time enforcing such stringent regulations on our farmers and food producers unless we absolutely insist that all imported food is produced to the same high standard.

In fact, enforcing regulations here whilst simultaneously allowing the import of sub-standard food actually forces our own producers out of business, allowing the market to be flooded with this imported rubbish.

In fact, it seems obvious that our own high standards are forcing overall standards down, which is ridiculous.

When are Tony Blair and his minions going to wake up to the fact that this situation will only get worse unless they enforce British standards on imports? Are they going to wait until every farmer has been forced out of business and we are totally reliant on overseas production? - Aidan Ruff, Ellingham, Northumberland.


WILL the people who voted Labour and are considering voting Tory think of the 18 years of Tory rule. Tories who closed the pits, steelworks, shipyards after spending millions earlier, whole villages decimated. It could happen again.

Mischievous William Hague is jumping on the bandwagon they have instigated. Vote Tory and you will soon regret it. - B Graham, Tow Law.

THE Conservatives are planning an increase of £3.50 (£172 a year) in pensions, to be found at the expense of the winter fuel allowance, currently standing at £100 per household and to be increased this winter to £150.

This represents an annual increase of £22, or about 40p a week, for a single pensioner living alone.

Should this single pensioner also have a work or private pension and pay income tax, the £172 would be liable to tax reducing it, in effect, by about £34 to around £138 assuming a tax rate of 20 per cent.

It would appear that such a pensioner would be worse off by £12 a year and even more if the Christmas bonus is scrapped and the free eye tests are abolished.

Where have I gone wrong? Or should William Hague wait for another band wagon to come along. - Jon S Kirkpatrick, Spennymoor.


I AM probably expressing the opinion of about half the population when I advise you that I take strong exception to the cartoon by Cluff on your front page (Echo, Oct 3). - PJ Ewbank Hall, York.


AS we enter the new millennium, the shattering impact of two world wars slips further into the mists of time.

The pain and suffering they left in their wake, however, and the needs of many British ex-service men and women and their dependents which has arisen as a result - and since - those conflicts, have not abated.

The Royal British Legion was formed to care for those needs. Its annual Poppy Appeal is the principal source of funds which enable it to provide practical help for those in need during times of hardship and distress.

The calls upon the Legion's services grow each year, and the need for the Poppy Appeal is likely to continue well into the new millennium.

Remembrance Day brings the debt we owe our armed services sharply into focus. The Poppy Appeal allows us all to make some repayment.

All the money raised by the appeal goes directly to support The Royal British Legion's benevolent work.

Last year, the appeal raised £18.7m to help fund the many schemes from which the service and ex-service community benefited. To help mark the year 2000, the appeal fund is hoping to increase that figure to £20m.

I would ask everyone to be generous in supporting next month's Poppy Day appeal and in helping to realise that aim. - Councillor John Richardson, Durham.


WHEN will the Government admit that UFOs exist? Sightings captured on camera and film prove that our planet often gets visited by extra terrestrial life forms, but the MoD always come up with excuses that all of the sightings are either fake or have natural explanations.

With so many horrid tales of abduction, the world leaders should announce that they have contact with galactic visitors from outer space.

That way people would not get ridiculed or labelled as screwballs when mentioning flying saucers. Open up the files, Mr Blair. - Christopher Wardell, Darlington.


CONGRATULATIONS to all our Olympians. They have done remarkably well despite the nationwide lack of up to date facilities for training.

Now that this problem has been highlighted by Sue Rolph among others, what a golden opportunity it offers to those involved in the regeneration of Billingham town centre.

There would be no sense or point in building a new leisure complex that will not meet the needs of the 21st Century.

The Government has announced extra money for better sports facilities, let Billingham take full advantage.

Why shouldn't Billingham become a centre for excellence in training for both summer and winter Olympics? A proper sized pool and ice rink would make that possible.

As for the theatre, word is out that there is a subtle plan to quietly drop plans to replace it in order to save money on the regeneration and to boost Stockton theatre venues instead.

Be alert, Billingham! Don't allow any of our present facilities to be lost in the redevelopment.

We need to fight for the very best for our children, ourselves and the future generations. - EA Moralee, Billingham.