A Council is looking for a firm to sponsor its a poop-a-scoop bags and dog waste bins to help clean up its town.

Hartlepool Borough Council fears the dog dirt problem will jeopardise its Pride in Hartlepool campaign, a Millennium initiative to clean up the environment.

Discussions are taking place about training two existing members of staff to issue £25 fixed penalty notices and give out free poop scoops to dog owners "where budget constraints allow". But the council will only continue to hand out the free clean-up equipment if it can find a company willing to sponsor the scheme.

A council spokesman said: "They would be continued to be provided if we can get some sort of sponsorship."

The new strategy also includes the immediate introduction of about 13 new dog waste bins, with more to come, and further increasing public awareness through displays and exhibitions, presentations to schools and leaflet campaigns in problem areas.

The council's head of public protection, Ralph Harrison, said: "The failure of irresponsible dog owners to clean up after their dogs results in increased unpleasantness, health risks - especially to children, and poses a threat to the success of our Pride in Hartlepool campaign.

"That is why it is necessary to consider ways of reducing dog fouling incidents by encouraging members of the public to clean up after their pets.

"This is our response to increasing public concern but, obviously, it is dependent upon the amount of money we have available."