PLANS for a massive holiday village to be created at one of the region's most popular theme parks are expected to receive approval from local authorities.

Proposals for hundreds of chalets and caravans, together with a reception complex, to be built at Lightwater Valley, near Ripon, North Yorkshire, will be considered by planners next week.

Officials at Harrogate Borough Council say they are satisfied that the large scale proposals will not have a damaging impact on the countryside site.

An application made three years ago - for a hotel, leisure, caravan, chalet and parking facilities on the 74-acre site - was given a frosty reception by council planners, but they are happy with the scaled-down plans.

Chief planning officer Dennis Harling said the scheme would have "surprisingly little" visual impact outside the site.

He said: "No objections are raised to the revised submission by the parish council or the Council for the Protection of Rural England, and it is considered that the development's assistance in maintaining a viable theme park at Lightwater Valley, thereby helping to retain jobs and spending . . . could additionally represent circumstances to support it."

Councillors will meet to consider the application on Tuesday.