A SCHOOLGIRL has been praised for comforting a fellow pupil injured when a car ploughed into a bus stand.

Chloe Edmondson, 15, was walking to the stand in Bedale Avenue, Billingham, when she heard a loud smash and was confronted by injured and distressed schoolchildren.

One pupil, 11-year-old Laura Salmon, was still critically ill last night with head injuries.

She has been in Middlesbrough General Hospital since the accident on Thursday morning, and yesterday her condition deteriorated from "poorly but stable" to critical.

Laura was among six youngsters, aged 11 to 13, who were injured as they waited to go to Northfield School, Billingham, when a BMW hit the stand near a bend.

Chloe waited with and comforted Jessica Swales, who had leg injuries, for more than 45 minutes.

The Northfield pupil, who remembered first aid advice not to panic, said: "I held her hand and she tried to get up and I put her down and cuddled her and talked to her.

"I was asking her what lessons she had and if she had homework and saying not to worry - I would stay with her and not leave her."

As paramedics worked around the pair, Chloe stayed with Jessica, a year seven pupil, and travelled with her to hospital.

"I was worried about her and she had asked me to go with her," said Chloe."I just feel glad that I helped her."

Northfield headteacher David Youlden said: "I'm sure she will have been a great comfort in difficult circumstances. It's always nice to see how young people can respond so positively in that type of situation."

Niall and Wanda Davies, who live opposite the bus stop and were on the scene, said Chloe had acted "wonderfully".

The driver of the BMW, a local man in his 20s, was questioned by police before being released.