FOUR women have declared an interest in replacing retiring Redcar MP Mo Mowlam.

The Local Labour Party executive met last night with regional party advisers to decide a selection timetable.

John McCormack, constituency chairman, said: "It's going to be a hard act to follow: they broke the mould after Mo.

"I firmly believe we should have another woman. I think it has to be a local candidate who knows the problems, the deprivation, and I think it needs the sensitive touch of a woman.''

Probation officer and Redcar and Cleveland Councillor representing South Bank ward, Maureen Hall, has declared her interest in standing.

Other contenders include former district councillor Sheila Argument, who lost her seat in a pro-Tory and Liberal Democrat swing in the last by-elections, following a decision to close Mount Pleasant old people's home in Marske.

GMB union worker Julie Elliott is also interested in the seat as is Lancaster University lecturer Gay Johnston.

Among the men interested in standing is said to be Stockton Councillor Geoff Field.

The successful candidate should be announced on December 16