PUPILS at an east Durham primary school gladly skipped lessons yesterday to find out how fine footwork could help keep them fit.

The children from Howletch school, in Peterlee, watched with fascination as twin boxers Rhydian and Steffan Hughes demonstrated how skipping was certainly not just for girls.

The two fighters from Peterlee's International Boxing Academy paid a special visit to the school as part of a special initiative backed by the British Heart Foundation.

The 17-year-old brothers went through skipping routines, which are set to music, for the school's 400 pupils.

The display proved a knockout for the young students who will now include skipping in all their PE lessons.

Headteacher Robert Hannay said the demonstration had inspired everyone to keep fit.

The brothers' synchronised routine has also helped to launch a special skipping competition in the school, he said.

Principal of the academy, Ian Prescott said: "The fact that these boxers are going into local schools shows the perception of the sport as one of discipline and health, as opposed to violence.''