HEALTH Secretary Alan Milburn has ordered an inquiry into an allegation that organised cigarette-smuggling is taking place at Darlington Memorial Hospital.

It must, of course, be stressed that as yet there is no hard evidence of any illegal activity taking place at the hospital.

There has, however, been a formal complaint to Mr Milburn of a "significant distribution network of contraband cigarette sales" within the hospital, satisfying staff and patient needs.

Mr Milburn had no option but to demand an urgent investigation and officials of the South Durham Health Care Trust had no alternative but to take the claim extremely seriously.

The additional strain placed on the National Health Service by the after-effects of smoking is well documented, and the irony that such claims should centre on the Health Secretary's local hospital do not need to be spelled out.

It is to be hoped that the inquiry concludes that the allegation is unfounded. The investigation must, however, be so thorough that all suspicion is lifted.

If evidence is uncovered, those responsible should lose their jobs and feel the full weight of the law.

Doctors and nurses work extremely hard to counter the tragic consequences of smoking, and it would be abhorrent to undermine their good work in such a callous way.

It would also be an insult to every taxpayer who funds a service which needs every penny it can find.

Potted history

DEJA vu is a common sensation when sitting in front of a television screen. The repeats come round with the same depressing frequency as tax bills.

And yet, now and again, a television comeback manages to raise smiles of warm anticipation. Such is the case with the return of Bill and Ben.

In an age of in increasingly poor taste television, it will be refreshing to see a reworking of the Watch With Mother classic which enchanted a generation of children - and enabled women nationwide to enjoy a short, well-earned break.

We have no doubt that a new generation will derive just as much pleasure from the Flowerpot Men as long as the inevitable modernisation process leaves their charm intact.

Yes, we like the idea of relaunching Bill and Ben a lot - a flobbalobbalot.