A COUNTY Durham youth centre has been given a facelift to take it into the 21st Century.

Stanley Youth Centre, at Tyne Road, was built in the 1960s and has been at the heart of youth life in the town for decades.

But with age taking its toll, action was called for and a cash investment has paid for a new roof, heating system and windows installation.

The centre has also been installed with computers and technical support.

Centre manager and senior area community education worker Gillie Littlemore said: "With the backing of staff and volunteers from the local community, the centre has fundraised and worked hard to provide an environment that is both welcoming and safe.

"Stanley Youth Centre offers the young people of the area a wide range of experiences and opportunities."

Other improvements to the centre include a new kitchen, which hosts a catering project for young people and will eventually offer a community caf service. For the first time since the centre was built, it can offer wheelchair access, thanks to the installation of ramps and disabled facilities.

Funding for the overhaul has come from Durham County Council, European Regional Development Fund, the Northern Rock Foundation, Lloyds TSB and Greggs.

The centre is due to be reopened today at 7pm