SOME of the brightest new businesses in Hartlepool will be celebrated with the creation of a new accolade this week.

The award for the Best New Business in the Owton Rossmere area of the town, will be announced on Friday at the Hartlepool Business Awards.

The award is being sponsored by the Owton Rossmere Partnership, which is using Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) funds to boost the area, and the aim is to celebrate the success of young firms in the area.

Stuart Green, Owton Rossmere Partnership manager said: "Despite the tough economic climate, new companies are sprouting up and establishing themselves in Owton Rossmere. That's down to the inspiration and hard work of the businesses themselves, backed up by an effective package of financial support, information and advice."

The criteria for the award are based around some of the Partnerships objectives, including job creation and improving the environment. The accolade is open to any firm based in the Owton Rossmere area, which is less than five-years-old.

Businesses shortlisted for the award this year are Ravenwood GRP Roofing, Just Brakes, Safe As Houses, MAP Hardwoods, Taylor Made Signs, Bellwood Rewinds and Turboactive.