A SEARCH has begun, to find the star of Sunderland city centre's Christmas parade.

Organisers are looking for a pop star sound-alike. To help in the hunt, a Stars In Your Eyes competition will be held at Sunderland's Royalty Theatre, 10am to noon, on November 18.

Entrants will perform on stage in the style of their chosen celebrity singer and the best performance will clinch a place in the parade, on November 23. There are no age restrictions and the winner will receive a hair and beauty makeover in the style of the singer.

The winner will receive a presentation from the Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Brian Dodds, and appear alongside a Tina Turner tribute performer during the parade.

The event will end with a tribute performance in Park Lane.

Closing date for entries is next Wednesday. Call 0191-566 0907.

l The festive season arrived in Sunderland when Angel Bethany Greener, nine, and Baden Burns, eight, were joined by Father Christmas to promote the seasonal entertainment on offer.

The children, both of Sunderland's Kathleen Davidson School of Dancing, will feature in TV advertisements highlighting late-night and Sunday shopping in the city before Christmas.

The Christmas lights will be switched on by the cast of the Empire Theatre's pantomime, Sleeping Beauty, and the mayor, on Thursday next week, from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. A celebrity Santa dash will help raise money for the Macmillan Nurses and Sunderland Royal Hospital, on November 30. And a Dickensian street scene will be recreated as part of a Christmas Victorian evening, on December 7