PEOPLE in Sunderland are being given the chance to help shape the future of services in the city.

Four thousand residents are being sent a questionnaire by the city council asking them what they think of services such as street cleaning and leisure centres.

The forms, due to land on doormats on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, will be used in a survey by consultants and will be published next year with the council's performance indicators.

People's answers will help determine whether the council is providing "best value" - the Government method of assessing how good local services are, and whether they are providing value for money.

Assistant chief executive Peter Chapman said: "The results of our survey will be used to help the city invest its money where it really matters.

"Consulting people properly is very important and we're very grateful to all those who will take the time to deal with the questions in the survey - some of which have been set by the Government.

"The replies will be treated in the strictest confidence and be used to monitor trends and compile statistics to compare services elsewhere."

A free helpline on (0800) 0522064 has been set up to help residents with the questionnaire.

Councils throughout the country are carrying out similar surveys.