DETECTIVES hunting a prostitute's killer have warned her clients they may be visited at home.

Officers have spoken to more than 500 people since the body of Vicky Glass was found on moorland near Danby, in North Yorkshire, on November 3.

A team of 40 police officers has taken nearly 150 statements, but is still eager to talk to more of Vicky's clients, to trace her last movements.

Detectives have said they are disappointed with the public response on the 21-year-old's death, especially after an emotional appeal by her mother.

Detective Superintendent Brian Dunn said: "We know most of the regular clients and have a list of them. Those we haven't seen, and who have not come forward, will be the subject of a visit.

"Among the people we have interviewed are lorry drivers who use Cannon Park. We are keen to speak to other drivers who use that area, or who were aware of Vicky and we would urge them to come forward."

Anyone with information should call the incident room on (01642) 301283 or Crimestoppers on (0800) 555111.