THERE was room for 18 back seat drivers in a family car as a group of North-East students proved when they set out to raise cash for Children in Need.

A total of 19 sixth-form students crammed into a five-seater VW Golf as part of a series of fundraising events at the King's School, Tynemouth, at the weekend.

The idea for the big squeeze came from student Sachin Khanna, 18, of Newcastle, who said: "I decided to give it a go in my car after seeing similar stunts on television. It seemed like an interesting challenge and a fun way to raise sponsorship for a good cause.

"I was amazed at how many we fitted in. They were all first and second XV rugby players, so they were quite large.

"The pressure of bodies was huge but it was all worthwhile."

Other events at the King's School included a nail painting session for girls, with nail polish donated by Virgin Vie, a slave auction where fifth and sixth-form pupils were sold to other year groups for an hour at lunchtime, and a sponsored fancy dress afternoon.

The total raised was £800.