Serial bride Pat Higgins is going it alone - after dumping her sixth husband.

Tying the knot once might be quite enough for most women, but not post-graduate student Pat, 46.

Three years ago she got married to Philip Pendlington, 20, after he fooled his parents into believing his bride-to-be was just 21.

Philip's relatives even sent his sweetheart Happy 21st Birthday cards after being told that she had the "key of the door".

However, Philip eventually owned up: "Sorry Mum, Pat's not young enough to be your daughter. She's 43."

Now, after just three years together, Pat, of Newcastle, Tyneside, has decided Philip is not the man of her dreams after all.

They have had a bitter split after she claimed that Philip had a fling with another woman.

Pat, who first walked down the aisle aged 20, when she married steelworker Michael Kelly, said yesterday: "Enough is enough. I'm through with marriage.

"I'm going to stay single now. I've got four cats and I'm happy with them."

However, Philip - who has moved out to live with friends in Newcastle - hit back.

He said: "It was Pat who suggested we see other people way back in August and she did start seeing someone.

"I regret it all now. It's put me off marriage for good."