A POLICEMAN resigned when he woke up in his own cells after a drunken brawl, a court heard yesterday.

Special Constable Ronald Wall, 43, celebrated his son's Army passing out parade with too many drinks in the police club in Stockton, said Helen Gamble, prosecuting.

Later in a bar, he headbutted another customer and he punched the licensee.

When police arrived he was waving his ID card, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Delivery driver Wall, a Cleveland Police Special Constable for almost eight years, pleaded guilty to actual bodily harm assault on August 27, common assault and causing fear or provocation of violence.

Miss Gamble said that the bar was very busy when drinker Carl Stirman pointed out to one of Wall's party that he was standing on his foot.

Without warning Wall head butted Mr Stirman on the forehead, the court heard.

Landlord Geoffrey Hewitson and his door staff intervened and Wall was escorted outside struggling violently. Some of them suffered minor injuries.

Nigel Soppitt, defending, said Wall was arrested on the High Street beat he regularly patrolled at weekends.

Mr Soppitt said Wall's son inadvertently stood on another man's foot and was knocked to the floor. Wall then retaliated.

"When he woke up in the cells that morning he immediately resigned," said Mr Soppitt. "He gave up his Friday and Saturday nights to assist police patrolling the streets of Stockton.

"He pleaded guilty to essentially what was a few moments of absolute madness."

Wall, of Central Avenue, Billingham, was ordered to do 200 hours community service work and to pay £850 compensation and costs. The judge, Recorder Patrick Palmer, told him: "You got drunk and did everything you could to destroy all the work you had done as a special constable."