TOWNSFOLK at Yarm are to be asked about ideas for a major alteration at the town hall.

Renovation of the ground floor and relocation of public toilets are being envisaged as part of plans to improve the centre of the town.

The scheme would involve opening up the arches of the hall and in-filling them with glazed panels to allow the area to be used for community, social and tourist purposes.

Town council chairman, Coun Gwen Porter, said: "We accept this proposal is radical, but to address any problems in the centre of Yarm, some radical thinking is needed."

In 1999, Stockton council launched a wide-ranging exercise to look at Yarm's future. As part of this process, the renovation and restoration of the town hall ground floor was seen as a priority, along with improvement of public toilet facilities.

As owners of the building, the town council has since been working with the borough to produce a scheme.

Coun Porter said that to bring back use of the town hall to one befitting a building of such importance, the toilets would have to be moved. Opening up the arches would allow the original construction to be appreciated and used for other purposes.

Funding would come form outside sources, mainly the heritage lottery fund, which had expressed interest for such a one-off scheme in Yarm.

As part of the process, public opinion will have to be canvassed and before any further work is done, the views of interested parties are being sought.

After initial comments, a public display will be set up in Yarm library and more details made available. Residents can make their views known by writing to ward councillors, the town council or to Stockton planning department.