INTERPRISE 2001, organised by County Durham Development Company (CDDC), promises to be next year's biggest business-to-business event in the region, offering a unique opportunity to establish new contacts and explore new markets in Europe and beyond.

The event is not an exhibition or a conference. Instead it will provide each and every delegate with a schedule of pre-booked 30-minute meetings during which they can exchange ideas and explore areas of mutually-beneficial co-operation with potential commercial partners.

The Regional Economic Strategy stresses the importance of "building a diversified, knowledge driven economy by establishing an entrepreneurial culture." Interprise 2001 echoes this goal by focussing on 'Technologies for the Future'.

Prominent among regional sponsors and supporters of the event is Bio Sci North, a newly created organisation with the objectives of creating jobs, companies and increasing turnover in the Bioscience sector of the North-East of England.

Its remit is to develop links between industry and the Universities, encourage technology transfer and assist growth and networking among existing bioscience companies in a region that already has a growing cluster of bioscience companies.

Tim Williams, business development director at Bio Sci North, said: "Bio Sci North is very pleased to support the co-ordination and presentation of the CDDC Interprise event because it will lead to significant opportunities for development of the high-tech bioscience sector.

"The North-East has a rich base of leading-edge bioscience research and a growing commercial sector which can benefit from the sort of partnerships that will be made possible by this event."

CDDC welcomes the experience, expertise and contacts which sponsors and supporters bring to the event.

Phil Eadon, CDDC's director of marketing, said: "Sponsors and event supporters are playing a vital part in ensuring that Interprise 2001 will make a major contribution to the development of knowledge-based industries right across the North East of England.

"This is a regional event and that is reflected in the range of regional organisations, like Bio Sci North, which are showing such commitment and enthusiasm."

For full details, or to register on line, visit the web-site.