LET'S be honest, estates are not really the best looking of cars.

They may be functional, enormously practical, but are they really going to win any beauty competitions? No, I think not.

Well, until now. When I heard Alfa Romeo was thinking of reintroducing the Sportwagon - the nearest thing to an estate you ever got in this marque - I did wonder how they would do it without tarnishing the image.

The task became all the more difficult when the gloriously styled 156 was selected as the host for the graft.

But I needn't have worried as the new 156 Sportwagon enters the stage as most definitely the belle of the bunch.

Pure 156 to just beyond the rear door shut line, the Alfa has grown a delicate and beautifully sculpted cargo bay. It is nicely proportioned and the rear door carries the characteristic neat lights of the saloon to great effect.

The car looks great, like an estate designed from the ground up, rather than a cut and shut job. And it obviously works as the general public were more than happy to cast admiring glances its way.

The load area is modest but well shaped to swallow as much as it possibly can. It's also nicely finished off, with excellent cubbyholes and hidden compartments to both sides.

The rear door opens smoothly and there's a security draw blind to keep prying eyes off your luggage.

Everything else is pure 156, the best sports saloon on the market. The interior is stylish and comfortable with those wonderful hooded clocks and seats which wrap you in a fond embrace.

A 2.4-litre turbo five-cylinder diesel nestles under the shapely bonnet. It's the most fabulous unit, giving unbelievable performance and economy while somehow managing to sound not simply good but fantastic. The mid-range push in the back has to be experienced to be believed.

Handling is exemplary, with massive grip, excellent body control and the sharpest steering around.

The fly-by-wire throttle is feather light and the gearbox is slick.

Inside, if you've gone for the black, is a bit claustrophobic but this is soon forgotten when you realise you are driving one of the best looking and enjoyable cars on the road.