YOUNG designers were given a glimpse of the future when they saw their work as a virtual model.

Youngsters from the South Bank Youth Centre, in east Cleveland, teamed up with the University of Teesside to come up with ideas for how their premises could be improved.

Following weeks of negotiations, they saw their vision become a virtual reality when they viewed a model of their Jackson Street base yesterday.

Tamara Seabrook, a university lecturer and researcher, said the image marked the end of a worthwhile collaboration.

"As part of a three-year project in South Bank, we wanted to get the young people to take ownership of what was happening to their youth club," she said.

"We plan to give the model to the planners so they can actually build it."

While the children had seen the image in various stages of its development, yesterday was the first time they saw it complete.

Ms Seabrook said: "It was really nice for them to see their ideas put into practice."