A NORTH-EAST council has appointed a 46-year-old former planning officer as its chief executive.

The newly-created top post at the district of Easington attracted candidates from all over the country.

After a string of interviews, the authority announced the post had gone to Paul Wilding, one of the council's three top directors.

Mr Wilding has been with Easington since 1976, when he joined as a planning officer.

He has held a number of senior posts with the authority, most recently as executive director with responsibility for corporate services.

Councillor Alan Napier, leader of the council, said he was delighted with Mr Wilding's appointment.

He said: "Councils need to demonstrate they are getting best value for all aspects of their activity.

"It was important that we pitted our internal candidates against applicants of the highest calibre from elsewhere.''

He said they had engaged external independent advisors to ensure fairness in the selection process.

Coun Napier said: "I am looking forward to working closely with Mr Wilding for the benefit of the whole community.''

Born in Sunderland, Mr Wilding has lived in the Easington district for more than ten years, and takes a personal pride in his affiliation with the area.

He graduated with an honours degree in town planning from Aston University, Birmingham.

He said yesterday: "The district has made huge progress in tackling the aftermath of the colliery closures, but there is still lot to do.

"I shall be dedicating myself to ensuring that the community's interests are pursued, and that the council as an organisation continues to develop and improve.''