A MULTI-MILLION pound exhibition hall which will almost double the Great Yorkshire showground's indoor exhibition space is starting to take shape .

The hall is expected to be finished by spring next year, in time to house Harrogate spring flower show as its firs event.

The whole project is costing £2.25m and the contractors, Simpson Construction from York, started work in August, completing the foundations on time in October.

An 80m-long brick and block cavity retaining wall has been constructed and some 200 tonnes of structural steel are being erected on a platform of concrete basework.

The project involves major earthwork to form a viewing platform across the country pursuits area and the picturesque Crimple Valley.

The single-storey building will be 1,950m sq and will be linked with the existing hall by a cafeteria and restaurant so that the halls can be used separately or as one large venue.