Q I am thinking of moving to the sun of the Canaries for my health. Will I be able to keep my Incapacity Benefit and Disability Living Allowance?

A Not if your absence abroad is to be a permanent move. If it is only to be a temporary move you could get both for benefits up to six months

Q I am 61 with Incapacity Benefit and a works pension but my wife of 58 has no income. Can I get an increase for her? We have no dependent children.

A Not until she is 60. If your current income is assessed as less than £131.05 a week you could get In come Support.

Q Because I was on Income Support I was allowed a Funeral Payment when my husband died. However, because I had £1,795 in the bank, I was only awarded £66. Why was the DSS so mean?

A Because the rules say any savings over £1, 000 (£500 for the under 60s) are treated as being available to put towards the funeral bill.

Q My father and mother have Retirement Pensions of £79.03 and £40 a week respectively, a works pension of £108 a month and £4,890 in savings. Are they due to any reduction in Council Tax.

A It looks like it. After a Council Tax Rebate they should only be paying the equivalent of £275 a year.

Q My husband has benefit because of an industrial injury. What will happen to it when he reaches 65 next year?

A It depends what sort of injury benefit it is. If it is industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit, based on a percentage disability, nothing changes. If it is Reduced Earnings Allowance, based on lost earnings power, it goes down to £10.93 a week.0

Q You told a recent reader that the level for Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) was £80.85 a week. How come mine makes my pension up to only £78.45?

A The level of MIG at present varies according to age. That reader was 78. The level you have is for single people aged 60 to 74