IT started as a bit of fun in the name of charity, but the Rylstone WI ladies who threw caution - and their clothes - to the wind are now taking the world by storm.

The special edition 2001 Ladies of Rylstone calendar has sold hundreds of thousands of copies in America, outdoing the likes of pop queen Britney Spears, and only just losing out to boy wizard Harry Potter.

Three stars of the risque calendar, originally launched two years ago by the North Yorkshire group, have toured the States to promote the new publication, which is at number two in the American bookshops' calendar chart, below author J K Rowling's Harry Potter.

They are also likely to be returning to the US next year for a promotion of a Disney-funded film about their exploits.

The ladies were courted by several American producers earlier this year after appearing in a front page article in the New York Times.

Casting for the new Tinseltown picture, expected to be filmed in Yorkshire, is not yet complete but the group is hoping British stars will be lined up for the parts.

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