Brave beau Jason Mirza popped the question to his girlfriend in front of 900 people at a pantomime.

The 28-year-old got up on stage to ask nursery nurse Claire Charlton to marry him during a performance of Aladdin.

Claire, 25, choked back the tears as she accepted the ring after a seven-year courtship.

The audience and cast cheered the couple after Jason got down on one knee at the Newcastle Opera House.

The pair were asked to go on stage just moments after the pantomime wedding of Aladdin and the princess.

Claire said: "It's the best Christmas present I've ever had. It was a complete surprise."

Property developer Jason, from Newcastle, said: "I got the idea after we were at a panto last year when a member of the cast proposed.

"That went down really well with Claire and she couldn't stop talking about it for months afterwards.

"I waited a full year to do the same myself. It was worth it."

Front-of-house manager Alison McGarrigal said it was the first real engagement at the theatre.

She said: "We were happy to help out when Jason asked if he could surprise Claire.

"She didn't have a clue what was going on. The look on her face was priceless."