VILLAGERS will soon be able to have their say on plans for a new community hospital in Sedgefield.

Plans for the proposed £8m hospital will be on view on the notice board in Sedgefield Town Council offices for a week from Tuesday, January 2.

The hospital will be built on a green field site on the outskirts of the village, replacing a 50-year-old building.

The scheme includes 16 beds for patients referred by general practitioners, ten beds for elderly patients and 20 beds for elderly patients with mental health problems.

Other facilities include an extended x-ray department, with an ultrasound service, alongside facilities for existing outpatient and other services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics and foot care. There will also be provision for two day hospitals for elderly patients.

Landscape designs will include secluded gardens for the patients.

The plans will be discussed in detail at a meeting of Sedgefield Town Council on Tuesday, January 9.

Councillors are keen to hear the views of villagers, and the public will be encouraged to voice their opinions at the meeting.

Once detailed plans have been finalised, they will be assessed by the regional office of the NHS Executive.

Final approval is expected in March, and it is hoped that the hospital will open in April 2002.