A WOMAN whose home was flooded twice has ended a miserable year in the perfect way after being recognised with an MBE.

Nellie Bowser, known as West Auckland's fairy godmother, will help just about anyone, whether they are hospital patients, theatre amateurs or girl guides.

Nellie's fundraising for the Tindale Crescent Hospital, at Bishop Auckland, through the Hospital Helpers, has paid for carpets, curtains, picnic hampers, Christmas presents and garden furniture for the hospital.

Fellow fundraiser Mary Hodgson, who received an MBE nearly 20 years ago, nominated her friend for the title.

Prior to receiving the award, it had not been a good year for Nellie, whose home, in West Auckland, was flooded twice.

She said: "I'm absolutely gob-smacked. Everything I've done has been a pleasure - it hasn't been work.