BRAVE Sally Slater's battle for life has inspired hundreds of people to register as organ donors, and helped The Northern Echo's Save A Life appeal top the 1,000 mark.

Nationally, donor agencies have seen a 15 per cent increase in inquiries since Sally underwent an 11th hour heart transplant at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital.

Sally has made a full recovery at her North Yorkshire home since her operation in April.

The Northern Echo launched its Save A Life appeal to encourage more people to come forward as potential organ donors.

More than 1,000 people responded to our appeal and joined the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Sally returned to her school, Kirkby-in-Malhamdale Primary, last term, and in September celebrated the seventh birthday her parents thought they would never see.

Mother Bridget, a college tutor, said: "We're very much aware that there are other children out there who this happens to, and there is a constant need for donors.

"If this has had a positive effect in encouraging people to come forward and register as organ donors, then we are delighted at that."

Pam Buckley, senior transplant coordinator at the Freeman, said Sally's ordeal had focused attention on the shortage of donors, but it was impossible to say if had led to an increased number of organs available.

She said: "If the campaign has any effect, it will be in the longer term, with people talking about it at home.

"Sally's situation will have contributed to an improvement in people's perception of donation, and how important it is."