A NORTH-EAST mayor is on the crest of a wave after being invited to host a big civic function aboard one of the Royal Navy's biggest vessels.

In a break with tradition, Durham's annual civic ball is being held beyond the city boundaries next month.

Durham Mayor, Councillor George Wharton, has taken up an offer to stage the event in the hangar of the city's adopted warship, HMS Invincible.

The aircraft carrier's crew is on a scheduled goodwill visit to Durham at the time of the function, on Saturday, February 3.

Usually it is staged in the town hall or at a city council sports centre.

Invincible's commander, Captain Rory McLean, extended the invitation to host the ball, because it will be the last chance to renew affiliations for several years because of a forthcoming extensive refit of the ship.

The 20,000-tonne ship will berth at the Tyne Commissioners' Quay, on the River Tyne at North Shields, almost 20 miles north of Durham.

Coun Wharton, who is delighted at the change of venue, said: "It was certainly too good an opportunity to miss.

"Normally we can't go outside the city boundaries, but because it is our adopted ship, it is not a problem."

The dinner is being held in the aircraft carrier's hangar, with diners serenaded by a dance band, and a disco on the floor below.

The mayor's secretary, Lin Elder, said the change in tradition had proved popular with the public.

"The tickets are going like hot cakes, and there are very few left. I suppose the unusual setting has helped the take-up," she said.

Proceeds from the event will go to the mayor's chosen charity, Chase the Butterfly, an environmental and conservation project.

Remaining tickets for the event, costing £25 each, are available from the town hall, on 0191-386 6111