A SKATING spectacular planned to mark an outdoor ice rink's last weekend was cancelled due to frost.

While freezing temperatures may seem ideal conditions for skating, they caused havoc for the rink at Middlesbrough's Victoria Gardens when they caused extra ice to form.

As it froze over a layer of water, preventing the structure's own freezing process from taking effect, the ice rink was deemed unsafe.

While the figure skating display planned to round off the programme of events at the ice rink had to be cancelled, its organisers refused to let this dampen their spirits.

Tony Boyinton, a sales manager for Hockey Non Stop, which ran the attraction, said it had greatly enhanced the town's festivities.

"It's been a roaring success," he said. "Every week we have had different events and we have had something like 180 people having a go at curling."

He added: "I'm disappointed that we are losing it, but it's not viable to run the ice rink all year round."

Due to the success of the ice rink, which was being dismantled today, plans are being discussed to bring it back next Christmas.