A COUPLE who narrowly escaped serious injury when their ceiling caved in as they slept are considering legal action against their landlords.

Andrew and Lisa Johnson claim part of the ceiling of their cottage collapsed after years of neglect from their landlords.

The couple were in bed when the roof suddenly fell in, leaving Mr Johnson needing hospital treatment for facial injuries.

They say the collapse of part of the ceiling at their home in Thirsk, North Yorkshire, was the final straw in a long-running saga with landlords Raymond Ballard and Adrian Johnson.

Mrs Johnson said they were also forced to sleep on the floor for two weeks after heavy rain poured through the roof in December.

"The roof has been in a very bad state of disrepair in all the time we have been there," said Mrs Johnson.

"Part of the ceiling collapsed in the early hours of Sunday morning when we were in bed asleep and we have now had to get it boarded up ourselves. There has been no compassion."

Mr Johnson said they had spent up to £20,000 of their own money to make necessary improvements to the cottage, in Johnson's Yard, in the past eight years.

The couple are now seeking legal advice, but Mr Ballard said yesterday: "We have applied for a council grant for the roof and the upgrading of the property. I have an empty cottage that I am going to let them have while we wait for the council."