A CHARITY is calling on the Government to mount a major campaign to promote grants for heating and insulation after figures revealed a low take-up.

About 280,000 pensioners are expected to register with the scheme, which offers grants of up to £2,000 to people on benefits, over the next 18 months.

But so far, just 35,000 have signed up and Age Concern is now urging the Government to encourage more people to take advantage.

Peter Walshaw, chief officer of Darlington Age Concern, said: "If older people see a criteria that they need to be on benefits and they aren't, then they won't get into the system.

"But for some of them, it may be that they should be on benefits and they don't know what they can claim."

He said one option would be to introduce a house-check scheme, where older people's homes are assessed to see what improvements could be made.

He said: "Older people are a difficult group to reach because they don't necessarily look at adverts, but it is all about making access to the scheme easy."

The grants, New Home Energy and Efficiency Scheme Plus, can provide help towards installing central heating, insulation, draught proofing and room and water heaters.

It was introduced last year as part of a move to reduce the number of people who die during the winter of cold-related illnesses.

Age Concern director general Gordon Lishman said: "This is a major initiative which will bring welcome relief to many people at risk in cold housing.

"The problem is that many of those who could be entitled to help are not aware of the scheme, and many others are missing out on the money benefits they need to be claiming to apply.