A SCHOOLGIRL from Thornton Watlass this week spent a day as a reporter at the D&S Times.

Vicky Garlick, aged 13, spent Tuesday in the newspaper's Darlington head office. Her mother, Mrs Lorraine Garlick, bid for the day at the Allertonshire school auction of promises held last November.

Vicky was introduced to Mr Malcolm Warne, editor of the D&S Times. He explained the role of the reporter and what she would do during the day.

One of the first things she did was read through last Friday's D&S newspaper to find out what grabbed her attention most. The editor explained how news stories were written to attract the readers' attention.

After learning how to operate the newspaper's computer software, she wrote a report on the Cystic Fibrosis Trust's charity day and sponsored abseil. Vicky also wrote this report about her day at the D&S.

Vicky, who wants to pursue a career as a writer, said at the end of her day: "I thought it was very interesting and I enjoyed it very much."