THE first multi-agency plan to create a better environment for elderly people has been produced by a local authority.

Drafted by Middlesbrough Borough Council, the document followed a national pilot scheme entitled Better Government for Older People, which included widespread consultation with pensioners and key agencies.

It covers the six themes shown to significantly affect the elderly - environmental issues, health and well being, information technology, transport, safety and inter-generational issues, and outlines a strategy for addressing them.

To ensure that its suggestions are developed, it prescribes that an Older Persons' Partnership Board and an Older Persons' Forum be established.

The report outlines five strategic aims that correspond with pensioners' prime concerns, to be tackled by the Partnership Board.

Different agencies are allotted their own areas of responsibility and granted varying timescales in which to produce results.

Under the heading of "partnership", are such objectives as increasing old people's representation on management boards, promoting their independence, and providing specialised benefit advice.

To increase information and access, it is suggested that support groups be developed for older carers, services be made more accessible for the elderly and community facilities be promoted as their focal point.

For each aim set out in the report, a case study of pensioners who are benefiting from existing provisions is provided.

The report states: "Middlesbrough council has a commitment to listening to and reflecting the priorities of older people and working with our partners in the private, public and voluntary sectors. It is our hope this strategy will help older citizens have a sense of belonging and pride in themselves and their neighbourhoods."