A CYBERCAFE was launched at Teesside University this week in a bid to attract youngsters through its doors.

The Meteor Cybercafe was opened by the Mayor of Middlesbrough, Councillor Kath Bevington, as a facility solely for schoolchildren.

As the latest innovation in the Meteor programme, it is aimed at showing central Middlesbrough youngsters that higher education is within their grasp.

The cafe's customers can surf the net and spend time developing computer skills.

The university launched Meteor in 1999 with 300 year six pupils from six primary schools. Since then, another five schools have joined the programme, which has included a range of taster sessions and activities.

Pat White, schools and colleges liaison manager at the university, said: "We hope the cybercafe is a popular venue for the Meteor pupils, and their enthusiasm for information technology will assist their studies."