Darlington library is searching for people or organisations interested in local history who would like a grant to pursue their research.

There is National Lottery funding for 100 heritage projects across the North-East, and Darlington is looking for schools, community groups, local history societies and individuals to apply to take up its share.

When completed, the projects will be put on the Tomorrow's History website - a collection of 30,000 pictures and pages, which is being built up during the next two years to chronicle the North-East's history. The Lottery Heritage Fund is contributing £400,000 to the website.

Staff at Darlington library are well advanced converting old pictures of the town into digital images so they can be put on the web. But now it is the townspeople's turn to help.

"With assistance from a small team of local community project leaders, you are offered a showcase to publish your own community history to the region and to the world," said Catherine Copeland of Darlington library.

Applications for the grants, which will run to several hundred pounds, are invited from anyone thinking of researching either their communities or their families. The work should be completed by December.

The grant will help cover the costs of the research, and also ensure that the findings see the light of day when finished.

As well as the web, participants will have to show their work in an exhibition.

For further information contact Ms Copeland on (01325) 349620.