MOTORISTS face delays this week on a stretch of road which is being resurfaced.

Irate drivers reported peak-time delays of up to 45 minutes on the A689 through Chilton, County Durham, yesterday morning.

Durham County Council engineers have been working on the road, up to the junction with the Rushyford roundabout, over the past three weeks.

A spokesman for the council said yesterday that there had been minimum disruption so far, but a four-way traffic light system was in operation up until Sunday.

He said: "The lights will be in operation from 9.30am to 3.30pm and, as long delays are expected, drivers would be advised to avoid the roundabout during those hours, if possible.

"With cooperation and goodwill on both sides, we aim to complete this scheme as quickly as possible, with a minimum of disruption and as little inconvenience as possible.