A race has taken place to discover which form of transport copes best with morning rush-hour traffic.

Cyclists travelled from Ingleby Barwick to Stockton town centre at the same time as a Stockton Borough Council worker did the journey by car.

The aim was to see who would arrive at the town hall first - and the race was a triumph for pedal power.

The event took place to launch a cycle leaflet and map for the borough of Stockton, and to mark the opening of the final section of the Ingleby Barwick to Thornaby cycleway.

Councillor Bob Cook, the council's cabinet member for regeneration and development, said: "There are now more than 40 kilometres of cycle routes running throughout the borough.

"The leaflet and map will help people to plan a safe cycle ride using these mostly traffic-free routes."

The council has been working with Sustrans, local cycle groups, and other partners, such as the Tees Forest, to develop cycle routes.

Dari Taylor, MP for Stockton South, said: "The race was a practical and enjoyable way of advertising the new cycle leaflet and the cycleways that are being built around Stockton.

"Cycling is an environmentally friendly way to travel, and it gets you fit as well, but people are put off because it can be dangerous on the roads, and the exhaust fumes can be terrible.

"These cycle paths take us away from vehicles, encouraging cycling and discouraging drivers from making unnecessary journeys by car."