GREATER powers will be made available to ensure children in care in Middlesbrough are looked after properly.

Middlesbrough Borough Council's corporate parenting board was set up in February to examine how well the authority acted as a parent to children in care.

Its responsibilities include identifying their educational, health and social needs, recommending changes to policy and ensuring that all relevant staff are aware of their duties.

In line with increased Government expectations, proposals have been drawn up to add to the board's power. One of the main suggested changes is that while remaining a sub-committee of the cabinet, it should be allowed to make decisions regarding children in care.

Also proposed are extra members specialising in health and resources and a separate budget for the group.

A report says: "The proposed new role for the corporate parenting board would result in an accountable body with a focused remit, adopting an inclusive approach with the ability to take decisions.

"This will not only help the council to meet its responsibilities, but address some of the Government's principles."