A MUGGER who attacked two women to fund his heroin addiction was jailed for five years yesterday.

One of Clive Marriott's victims was a 77-year-old pensioner. The the other, a 57-year-old woman, was now afraid to leave the house alone, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Marriott, 21, of High Northgate, Darlington, admitted two charges of robbery and one each of burglary, shoplifting and theft. Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, said the string of offences started on November 2 when Marriott stole £40 cash and bank cards from a wallet while visiting a friend's home.

He used the cards to withdraw £110 from his friend's bank account.

On November 11, he stole a tool kit from the B and Q store at Morton Park. And 17 days later he robbed a 77-year-old woman shortly after she left the post office in Victoria Road, Darlington.

She was carrying a shopping bag with two purses, containing £55. Marriott, who was later picked out in an identity parade, grabbed the bag and ran off.

Two days later, in the same area, Marriott struck again, robbing a 57-year-old woman.

Mr Dodds said the woman went into the post office and withdrew £100, then became aware of someone watching her.

Marriott followed her to another shop, then down an alleyway, where he attacked her.

She fell to the ground, shouting as he made off with her bag. Passers-by and a police officer chased and caught him.

Richard Scott, for Marriott, said he admitted what he did was "lower than the low".

He said: "He was a heroin addict. He has shown genuine remorse and regret for his actions. He can accept just how bad his offending has got."

Judge David Bryant sentenced Marriott to five years in prison.

He also ordered him to complete six months outstanding from a 21-month sentence imposed in December 1999 for aggravated vehicle taking and connected offences.