A GENERATION of cats are in desperate need of homes, says an animal charity.

The pets, aged from four years, have found their way to the Teesside Cat Protection League, Stockton, and are in need of permanent homes.

David Williams, of the charity, has dubbed the older orphans "mogolescents" because they are not yet adult cats but are no longer cute kittens.

He said: "The older cats are difficult to house. People seem to think that cats are over the hill at four but the average age is more like 16 and some are known to have reached 36. It's these cats that we have problems with."

The protection league is less likely to deal with abused cats than those who are simply not wanted anymore.

Mr Williams said: "Any social problem can lead to a cat being brought to us, from relationship breakdown to a change of address."

The charity does not have a central pound for cats. Instead, abandoned animals are given to foster carers to look after at their own homes until a permanent owner is found.

The charity aims to match cats with suitable owners and is short of both permanent and foster carers.

It has a waiting list of cats to come on to its books, but cannot take a new animal until another is housed.

Mr Williams said: "We have a lifetime commitment to these cats, so once they have left our care we want to make sure they are okay."

Anyone who would like to help the charity, which is self-funding, can call (01642) 3589090 or visit the website at www.cats.org.uk.