PLANS for a new housing development look set to receive the go-ahead despite the concerns of councillors and archaeologists.

Seeger Homes has submitted plans to Hambleton District Council to create 18 new homes at Masonic Lane in Thirsk.

The scheme would see seven houses and two flats built, as well as the conversion of derelict farm buildings to create a further nine homes.

But the plans have been called into question by Thirsk town council, which has concerns over the scale of the development and the demolition of a 16th Century farm building. The authority says the knocking down of the building is 'neither necessary nor acceptable.'

North Yorkshire County Council archaeologists have also expressed concerns that the site lies in an important heritage area, where evidence of Anglo-Saxon features and burials have recently been found.

A spokesman said: "The proposed development site may preserve evidence associated with the early origins and development of the town of Thirsk and the relationship of the castle to the town."

However, the application has won the provisional backing of district council officers ahead of a planning committee meeting next week.

Planning officer Tom Wood said: "The range of existing buildings has long been derelict. There have been previous enquiries and applications with the aim of securing improvement but they have failed to make progress for a variety of reasons, mainly due to the difficulty experienced with the conservation area status and the severe highway problems."

He added: "The development will clearly have an effect on the character and appearance of the conservation area.

"This effect is considered to be beneficial in respect of the maintenance of the majority of important buildings and spaces and that the careful treatment of spaces and surfaces within the development could result in a scheme that contributes to, rather than detracts from, the conservation area.