A DRUGS gang is responsible for burgling more than 50 Derwentside homes, police have warned.

Detectives believe the same gang is responsible and have urged householders in South Stanley, and nearby South Moor, to step up security.

They say that they have been surprised by the audacity of the thieves responsible for the sneak-in house burglaries.

During the past three months, more than 50 offences have been reported in the two areas, with the thieves targeting cash, mobile telephones and bank cards.

Detective inspector Simon Orton of Consett CID said: "They have, on occasions, looked in through windows, spotted something of value and then walked in through an open door while the occupants of the house were in another room.

"But they have also been busy at night, forcing their way into homes through windows. We are fairly certain they are selling the proceeds of their crimes locally and using the money to fuel a drugs habit. We are anxious local people should be aware of what has been happening and take all the necessary measures to frustrate the thieves."

Since the start of the year two dozen house burglaries have been recorded, and a further six attempts have been made to break into homes.

A further 29 thefts from garages, sheds and allotments, from where mountain bikes, scooters, power tools and gardening equipment were taken, have also been reported.

Mr Orton made further suggestions to the public about ways to protect their property. He said: "As well as making sure doors and windows are locked and that valuable items are not left on view, people should post-code property and make a note of serial numbers."

The suspected gang are aged in their late teens and early 20s, and thought to live in the South Stanley and South Moor area.

Anyone with information about the offences is asked to ring Consett police station on (01207) 504204 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555111.