Sir, - I notice that Tony Blair has decided to encourage the over 50s to do voluntary work. This country has a long history of voluntary work; many services would grind to a halt without volunteers.

The problem is the unpredictability of finance. Organisations need a core of well paid staff if volunteers are to be deployed effectively.

The current system of bidding for funds from a variety of sources leads to short term contracts, loss of staff just as they have built up valuable experience and overall demoralisation.

Most of us support the aim to keep people in their own homes as long as possible. Local authority provision of personal care is often excellent, but cannot meet the social needs of people in danger of becoming increasingly isolated.

In my area the community care association provides valuable support with a sitting service, luncheon clubs and transport. With an ageing population there will be an increasing need for these services - all supplied by volunteers - but funding has just been cut.

The provision of bus passes appears to address the question of isolation. But in rural areas with scattered populations buses are often nearly empty. Many people cannot get to a bus stop. There needs to be much more flexibility in meeting rural needs.

The door to door car and minibus service should be a priority and attract an increase, not a decrease, in funding.


Battersby Junction,

Great Ayton.

Why just here?

Sir, - I am writing to applaud the introduction of a 20 mph speed limit on Grammar School Lane in Northallerton which passes Northallerton College. This is to be welcomed.

I would like to ask the question why there is still a 40 mph speed limit outside the other secondary school in the town ie the Allertonshire School in Brompton Road. This is a busy road and has many pupils walking along it in the morning and afternoon rush. I know of no other place where there is a 40mph limit in a built up area outside a school.

P Smith

Thirsk Road,


A record?

Sir, - One recent morning (Monday, April 9) I drove from my home near Bedale to Northallerton and back without encountering a single set of road works or traffic lights.

Is this a record?




Some respect

Sir, - I noticed that your article on North Yorkshire County Council's bus pass scheme (D&S April 6) was just beneath an article on "jobs for the disabled".

That is particularly ironic because I and other wheelchair users will have to wait 14 more years before we can be sure that the bus we are waiting for is wheelchair accessible.

The Tories on the council have yet again refused to use common sense and agree with a Lib Dem proposal to give tokens (which people with disabilities could use for suitable taxis).

Nationally the wishy-washy Disability Discrimination Act, which the Conservatives were forced to introduce, has gained a few (very blunt) teeth under Labour but how long will it take to get decent legislation which will allow people with disabilities to be treated with respect?





l More Letters: page 22