AN advice service worker hopes to raise awareness of extra cash available for elderly people and carers.

John Garner, of Hambleton Citizens' Advice Bureau, is urging residents of Leyburn and Great Ayton, who are over 60 or caring for someone who is sick or disabled, to claim the benefits they are entitled to.

Mr Garner, a trained benefits worker, will be available one day a week in each town, to check entitlements to benefits and assist with filling in claims forms.

The service is part of a benefits take-up campaign funded by North Yorkshire County Council to raise the income of older people and carers.

Mr Garner said: "Welfare benefits provision is more generous than ever before for people over 60, and those who are looking after someone who is sick or disabled.

"More pensioners can now claim income support. You can have up to £12,000 in savings and still qualify. If you are caring for someone for more than 35 hours a week, you may be able to claim carer's benefits.

"Too many people miss out on extra cash simply because they are not aware of what they are entitled to, or are put off making a fresh claim, because they have been turned down in the past."

To arrange an appointment or to set up a home visit, contact Mr Garner on (01609) 770309.