HUNDREDS of gardens across the region will be blooming in style this spring after a phenomenal response to the launch of The Northern Echo Gardening Club.

Nearly 500 people have joined our club in the few weeks it has been running - and expert columnist Philip Swindells said its free advice service has been inundated with queries from green-fingered readers.

The club's shop is now up and running in North Street, Ripon, North Yorkshire, with the backing of several major companies, offering members discounts on essential gardening products.

"The response has been very positive," said Mr Swindells.

"There has been a good, steady flow of members joining and we are getting people coming in, putting down their shopping, and having a chat. People are really getting into the spirit of the club."

Dozens of readers from across the region have submitted queries to the club's question-and-answer service.

Members also have a chance to see the club's work in progress at gardening shows across the region, and a forthcoming series of workshops.

A propagation workshop will be held at Nature's World, Middlesbrough, on Saturday and Wednesday, from 10am to 4pm.

The session will cover seed sowing and pricking out, taking cuttings, layering, air layering and division.

Life membership of the club costs £10 and new members receive free seeds and entry vouchers to open gardens to a value in excess of the joining fee.

To join, simply write to The Northern Echo Gardening Club, PO Box 50, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3XD, enclosing the membership fee, or call the Membership Hotline on (01765) 698888.