A NEWLY-FORMED village drama group has taken the stage by storm after a second giant-killing performance in a national contest.

Formed only months ago, Kirkby Players has only ten members drawn from the Kirkby Malzeard area, near Ripon.

Their first venture - "for experience" - was competing in the All England Theatre Festival of One Act Plays, at Richmond's Georgian Theatre, where they defeated seasoned rivals.

Spokesman Jerry Mass said: "We only entered to see how experienced groups performed, so we were stunned to have won through to the next stage."

Now the group has achieved another David versus Goliath triumph - winning the North Central round of the contest, at Knaresborough's Frazer Theatre.

Members range from a few experienced amateur theatre enthusiasts to rank beginners.

Their latest winner - Too Long an Autumn, by Jimmie Chinn - is only the second play to be staged by the group.

Now the play's director, Marjorie Tate, and the seven players - Jenny Bellamy, Philip Lythe, Gerry Mass, Kate Stewart, Roy Mackenzie, Audrey Mackenie and Ian Hallett - are preparing for the Northern finals, at York's Rowntree Theatre, on Saturday.

Mr Mass, who is chairman of Harrogate Theatre, said: "To have won the latest round against top-flight amateur societies was totally unexpected and completely stunned our competitors.