LAWYERS will be instructed tomorrow on behalf of 20 ice hockey players who are waiting for three months' wages from the region's top club.

The Ice Hockey Players' Association (IHPA), which is acting on behalf of the Newcastle Jesters stars, said it had a "curt acknowledgement" of the situation from the club's owners.

And there was an agreement that a token sum would be paid during the past week in advance of the balance owed for February, March and April - £150,000.

However, unless there is a last-minute payment to the players, most of whom have returned to their homes on the continent and in North America, legal proceedings will begin tomorrow morning.

London firm Fablon Investments - and its media arm, The Eye Group - has so far failed to make any public comment on the situation.

IHPA executive director Jo Collins said: "We have been more than patient. Our members are owed in the region of £150,000 in gross terms, inclusive of benefits, bonuses and incidentals, and it is unreasonable of the club to expect them to wait indefinably.

"The club has not responded to our request of a down payment and, unless there is any significant development over the weekend, our lawyers will be instructed first thing Tuesday morning to proceed."

The Ice Hockey Superleague has placed an embargo on the club, banning it from signing any players for the next season, which starts on September 1, until the situation is resolved.