A DEPUTATION is to meet Trade and Industry Minister Alan Johnson in Westminster tomorrow over the loss of 700 jobs at a North coach builders.

Plaxtons, the Scarborough luxury coach builders, announced its closure last week.

The meeting has been arranged by the town's MP, Lawrie Quinn, who will join Neil Beresford, managing director of Transbus (Plaxtons GB), Peter Booth, of the Transport and General Workers' Union, county councillor Mick Haigh, Councillor Eileen Bosomworth, leader of Scarborough Borough Council, Councillor Michael Pitts, cabinet member for economic development, and director of corporate affairs Peter Barton.

Angry workers at Plaxtons agreed at the weekend to put together an action plan in a bid to save their jobs - or get the best possible redundancy package.

TGWU shop steward Richard Moody said "Everyone is very angry about what has happened. The ultimate aim is to have the closure decision reversed. The bottom line is we get the maximum pay-out.

"A lot of ideas have been discussed over the weekend, and we are looking to organise a campaign to put pressure on TransBus."

Mr Quinn said: "I am focusing on the needs and immediate requirements of the workforce and the wider Scarborough community to secure its economic future.

"More than one in 20 people in the town will be affected by the closure. The impact is incredible."

A ray of hope was provided by Scarborough and District Motor Services, which says it is in need of drivers.